I grew up in Birch Harbor and began lobstering when I was 8 years old. My dad, grandfather, Regie, Jayson, and Todd all taught me to fish. I feel when you start young it becomes a natural decision to be a lobsterman– at least it was for me.
My boat is named Juggernaut, which according to the dictionary means “a large unstoppable force”. I thought that was pretty cool and fitting for the boat.
I joined the Co-op in 2002. Lobstering is an honest way to make a living and I like being my own boss.
Back in high school, I really enjoyed fishing out of my 24 ft “Ol Mossy” up in the sound during my summer breaks. I like to fish. If I’m not lobstering chances ain’t bad I’ve got a pole in my hand wettin’ a line somewhere. I also spent a little time charter fishing in Key West, FL last winter and spring.
One time I found a bull moose drifting dead while I was out tending my gear. I tied a line around his rack and hauled him up to the block but he was way too heavy to get up over the side of the boat, so we tied him onto one of my Dad’s buoys, and he hauled him in through his stern tailgate. That was the best eatin’ moose I’ve ever had!
I’ll listen to about anything but rap. Jamey Johnson “In Color” is probably my favorite song and I couldn’t make it through a day without the music radio.
Tarpon of Boca, Deadliest Catch